Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans

The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]

Week by Week Photos

See photos of our Black Cuckoo Marans chicken, Queue, as a two week-old baby chick and week by week through her growth and development!

Our "12th Chicken" Queue
Our “12th Chicken” Queue

Meet Queue!

Queue is a Black Cuckoo Marans and belongs to the biggest Seahawks fan in the house in case you couldn’t tell. Queue is a 12th bird or ahem, our “12th Chicken”.

Our Queue communicates with us all the time! She comes running towards us or follows us around the yard hoping for a treat and is constantly checking in with her special trilling whistle sound in triplicate. She puts up with us picking her up and handling her. Due to her large size, I think she is sometimes a little uncomfortable being picked up as she is a lot of squirming chicken to calm down and sit with.

Queue at 25 Weeks

She is a full 2 weeks older than all the other pullets in our flock, and she was the first to lay an egg at just under 20 weeks! Like most chickens, she pumps herself up for the process and is sure to let everyone know she is getting ready to lay an egg!

For as big as Queue is, she is not the top chicken, but again due to her size, a few chickens, namely the Ameraucanas, and especially Mother Clucker, must think she is their mother hen, as the Ameraucanas often try to nestle underneath Queue to sleep, whether they are outside or on the perch in the coop! Mother Clucker tucks in under Queue on the roost at bedtime. Poor Queue—she is the oldest and biggest bird and fully feathered. The last thing she needs is another pullet to warm her up even more!

The Urban Chickens - Queue 21 Weeks Old
Queue at 21 Weeks

Every evening Queue is sure to remind us it’s time for a yummy snack of fresh corn on-the-cob or grapes or scratch before heading off to roost for the night. She also loves uncut oats and will search through the scratch specifically picking out that goodie!

An Update

Unfortunately, we lost our dear, sweet Queue in an eagle attack on January 29th, 2016. We miss her kind soul dearly and it’s been a lot quieter without her endearing chicken sounds.The Urban Chickens Queue: In Loving Memory

We are in complete shock and sadness. We miss her whirring chirps, her friendliness in persistently asking for a treat for everybody.

The sudden realization on her face after coming out of the nest box and then full out chicken run when she realized there were treats to be had and she was missing out!

It’s suddenly much quieter without our Queue conversations.

Queue, you always made us laugh with the funny looks you gave us and how your comb and wattles would shake, but especially through your sweet little sounds??? We love you, ❤️Queue, we hope you’re eating the best scratch and corn and foraging through the most delicious grass and clover. We miss you so much? Your precious life was taken much too soon.

The Urban Chickens - Queue - Cuckoo Marans
Our Beloved Queue

#Queue #CuckooMarans #12thChicken #backyardchickens #seattlechickens #urbanfarm #urbanchickens #theurbanchickens


Photos of Queue, Our Black Cuckoo Marans

The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 2 Weeks Old
2 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 2 Weeks Old
2 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 3 Weeks Old
3 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 4 Weeks Old
4 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 5 Weeks Old
5 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 5 Weeks Old
5 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 6 Weeks Old
6 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 6 Weeks Old
6 Weeks Old, with Sweetie
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 8 Weeks Old
8 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 9 Weeks Old
9 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 10 Weeks Old
10 Weeks Old, with Sweetie
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 12 Weeks Old
12 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 12 Weeks Old
12 Weeks Old
The Urban Chickens - Queue: Black Cuckoo Marans Chicken - 16 Weeks Old
16 Weeks Old

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