White Leghorn Chickens


Marshmallow & Her Shadow
Marshmallow & Her Shadow
Marshmallow and her 100th Egg!
Marshmallow and her 100th Egg!
On the urban backyard farm
On the urban backyard farm

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Leghorns are a heat-tolerant, non-broody breed that lays up to 280+ large to extra-large white eggs per year for up to 5 years, and possibly upwards of 300-320 eggs!

White Leghorns originated in Italy, Denmark and England. Like her breed is known for, our Marshmallow is skittish and tends to avoid lots of human contact, but is still friendly and will eat out of our hands. As time as gone by and we spend more hands-on time with her, she has become much more friendly! She is still quick to run, but now tolerates and even enjoys being held and pet.

She is also very athletic—hardly ever sitting still during the day and pacing at the coop door each morning like a labrador excited to go on its morning walk!
